Saturday, August 05, 2006

The session starts after the party finds Jesse's mother murdered by a halfling woman they assume to be Crummy's mother.

Jon joins the party via phylactery, brought to them by Shando, who takes Frank's horns and butter-knife and leaves on a quest to ressurect them!

Regrouped, they proceed with Alechem's guidance through the complex. After brief encounters with an easily overcome trapped spiral-staircase (Crummy loses and regains a part of his toe), and some intelligent talking undead.

The party enters a large room teeming with busy people (living and dead). Their cover is nearly blown by Guy's ill-timed outburst, until a tightly wound cyclops dismisses their tomfoolery and instructs them to get back to work.

Then the order enters a room filled with pregnant woman lying in beds, their beings grotesquely convulsed. Apparently the women were being used to harvest creatures and were known as ghola tanks. Richard and Crummy put them out of their misery, much to Jon's objection. Alachem hurries the party off before the deed was fully accomplished as he felt they had more important matters to attend to (Fucking spoilsport).

Next the prickly order is faced with a room of giant greatsword wielding skeletons (15-feet-reach.. [DM: cough.. the 15 foot reach were the mechanical golems]) unphased, they quaff potions which repels the skeles towards the walls. Unfortunately a black beast with long horns confronts them and pokes big holes in Guy and damn near KILLS Jon. After a short scuffle, Richard's sonic rifle got the job done and set the party back on track.

Heading forth they finally reach the room powering the undead in the complex, with the power of many previously sentient weapons attached to a glowing globe, unfortunately the entire room is guarded by multiple hulking golems(four doors, 2 guarding each one). Through clever analysing of golem anatomy(fucking bastards got lucky, that's all), Richard disrupts a golem's optic sensory crystals with yet more bellowing from his gun. The guardians distracted, Richard shoots the house sized globe off its fixture and the power goes out!

As they turned to leave the party notices the zombies slowing down in their attempt to reach the party despite the wards they had. With that done, the party realizes their main objective is done and over with. They start to leave.

During the relatively easy task of escaping through a door leading out, Crummy being Crummy, approached a chest near a spiral staircase. It turns out to be a chest monster, and it spits a dagger at him with terrifying velocity(If it was in Singapore it'd have been fined for spitting and speeding). The party disposed of the chest monster easily enough and head off. This however, might have been the cause of future trouble for Crummy.

The day won, Jon is exposed to some eye opening discussions between a badass Richesen prince (Prince Aeron Richese and he's really more of a slimeball in my opinion) and Dwyrin O'Conlad the Sky Mage . Further profound conversations ensue, regarding Richards tragic past (something about family dying) and choices Jon will have to make in his future.

A hard day's trek through a dungeon completed, the pricks head for some r&r, beginning with some fine dining at the Ruby Gauntlet sponsored by Jesse. In turn, Crummy spends most of the remainder of the session plotting the many deaths of Jesse, openly. After dinner they head for a shady establishment known for its bawdy music and bawdy women! Jon is seduced and dragged to the dance floor by a buxom young woman who identifies herself as Penelope.

Nursing hangovers, the troop is given a new assignment by Rhombur, they are to play entertainers to a rich merchant and his band. Tritus, the merchant informs that they all they will be needed for is a single evening of entertaintment. An enchanting evening of song and laughter is coordinated by Jon, aided by the other pricks. Later Jon discovers that the woman he met earlier, Penelope, wasn't who she claimed to be. The daring seductress was Mandy, a priestess at the temple of love**. The real Penelope however, was present, what with her being Tritus' sister.

Truly impressed with Richards' musical skills Mandy tries recruiting him into the church of love. Kneel before the Queen of love? Richard's really got better things to do. [DM: **it's not a church, it's one of the four courts of Corrin (Law, Industry, War and Love) run by four female relatives of the Emperor, collectively known as The Four Queens of Corrin, each in charge of a government body. Mandy is an operative of the Court of Love, the body that takes care of the social, artistic and morale health of the Empire.]

She does however, hand Jon a token and tells him he knows how to find her when he wants to. Indicating some future loving for Jon. In which case also indicating to Richard that whenever he changes his mind, he knows how to get to her.

The party done with their task, get paid and then head off back to their Bardic College. The day after, they head off to see old man Vernius regarding and affliction that affected Crummy. Apparently his skin had developed some sort of rash and then the rash turned to bark. Worg blood was what the old man Vernius prescribed though he could not really give a cure, only a way to stop the spread. Once a month, the prescription quantity. He however points Crummy to Moritani where he might find answers to his background.

What next awaits the brave order only time will tell ...

Done by Jr and Khai.

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