Thursday, June 22, 2006

Upon awakening, Richard meets Rhombur and he tells him to see Cerian. Richard sends a message to Ceria and she narrates to us that there are many thieves guild. Otis' family deals in magic wands while Jesse's deals with healing. The two families [DM Comment: only Jesse's mother was involved, possibly her brother.. father is innocent.] wanted to force a merger by marrying Jesse off to Otis. But Jesse strongly objected to this so Otis thwacked her and tried to rape her (mmmmm, kinky). Alechem tried to interfere but got captured and imprisoned in a lab. Frank Gnossi (half man, half cow, pure bull), an expert tracker[DM: he's a PI, old friend of Cerian], was recommended.

So group A (Richard, Jon and Ceria) head off to find Frank while group B (Guy and Crummy) go to the Saduca to get a warrant to search Otis' house. Group A finds out from Frank that the Ursor's Guild holds a necromancer and that their bank rates are reasonably higher that the Banker's Guild[DM: with the Ursors, good credit doesn't matter.. they'd just take their interest in flesh..]. Frank requests an article of Jesse's mum so that he may go about tracking her properly and tells them that the most logical place to start would be the Willowbrook estate. Meanwhile, group B heads to the Saduca Order Recruitment Centre. They proceed to an office in the back where they meet Commander Ged Carlyle[DM: he leads the Fith Irregulars, a mish mash of troops from different places]. Ged hands them the warrant and instructs them to get a map from Otis' house. Ged also warns them about the constructs in the basement. Ged then heads off to Vernius because of The Red Knight (goddamn youse Ulot!).

When group A reach Jesse's estate, they find out from her father that he and his wife don't get along very well and that they both have seperate guards. Outside, several guards are found stationed outside Jesse's mum's Villa with orders to let nothing and/or no one to enter or leave. Ceria talks one of the guards into giving her a nightie but Frank takes a sniff and realises that it's brand new. The group also bump into a major noble: Cenin Cherrysworn. As for group B, they find their way to Otis' house and the butler is very unwilling to help with anything. Guy and Crummy head down to the basement where they find cute little mouseholes that realise mousers with wands attached to them. They both suffer some damage but manage to get to the room in the back. There they find 2 books, a broken arrow, 3 gold bars with Otis' sigil (enchanted), files with 5 transparencies, a file with a language that none of them understands and 4 wands. The two run off to B.C. to hand over their findings to Cerian Cobb and double up to the Willowbrook estate to meet up with the rest.

Back at Jesse's house, the now whole group finds something strange happens whenever Crummy goes near any of the guards (who happen to be rather attractive halfings). Guy and Richard push Crummy towards the guards and he gets hypnotized. A large mass orgy ensues inside the room (score!). Seizing the opportunity, Richard gets a pair of granny panties and passes it to Frank who then goes off in search of Jesse's mum. Crummy gets a fever afterwards but is given some medicine for it. The group returns to B.C. to talk to Cerian and rest for a bit.

Back at B.C, Cerian informs them that the wands are 2 ray of frost wands (5 charges each), 1 wand of barkskin (1 charge) and 1 wand of cat's grace (2 charges). The dots on the individual transparencies indicate Otis' estate, the Cow's Coin, the Temple of Thor, the Mason's Guild and an abadoned building. The party decide to check out the empty building but find nothing. Thanks to Guy's innocent intelligence (and Cerian's translation), they head to the Temple of Thor; the only place with a well. Once there, Jon enters one of the many coloured doors and finds out that the brown one means hospitality. He stays the night and is fed as well as healed. During the night, Richard goes into well and finds a passage under Thor's temple[DM: actually, Richard did this during the day..]. The rest of the group follow while Jon meets up with them after finding a basment that meets up with the rest of the group. Underneath the temple, they find a flotilla (sp?) tied underground with a low ceiling. They enter through the only door they see and go through the metal door behind it. After passing through a couple of corridors, the group come across a construct on the left. They try to fight it but it spews forth oil bowling over the whole group and then proceeds to spurt out a solidifying foam that binds everyone to the floor. A gnome comes along and ignoring the group, drags the construct away[DM: suffers from OCD, so he was more worried about the floor].

Further on near what seems to be a conceirge, Crummy accidentally (yeah right!) alerts the guards because of some whiny chick. The group kills them with ease (the guards, not the girl). The party come across more guards and slaughter them. Further on, they chance upon 2 similar rooms; 1 with a gelatinous cube and 1 with a war golem. The party decides to soldier on into the room with the war golem and cowardly dodges it (and attain much damage). In the room behind the war golem, they find: 3 talking arrows, a sentient dagger (evil bugger, ran off), a great axe that is able to discern a person's alignment and threat level, a cursed great sword, a kopesh that forms illusions (disappeared), another sentient dagger (good+female, also ran away), a singing spear and a pair of handaxes. Up ahead in a white room, they find a great maul heavily booby-trapped but being tired and weary, the group pass this up and leave the same way they came. They dodge the war golem (attaining much damage again) again, run past guards (with the help of Crummy's smoke grenade), get out of the well and run back to B.C.

Back at B.C, Jon gets Cerian to lift the curse off the great sword and Richard moves it to another room (sneaky sneaky). The group relates to Cerian about what happened and everyone gets their weapons appraised. After such a tiresome quest, the 4 rest and recuperate in their room while awaiting Ceria's return (she went to help Frank).

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